- Wiz's Whimsies
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- This is LIIIIIFE
~ a meditation on life’s ridiculous necessities ~

Life is one long series of weird, repetitive tasks.
Brushing your teeth, only for them to get dirty again. And if you don’t floss and brush—bam! Enjoy your tooth decay (and being Jack Sparrow for Halloween).
Washing dishes, knowing you’ll be right back there tomorrow, and the day after, and at the day after that too, probably. Or maybe in an hour, if you’re feeling peckish.
Wrestling socks onto your feet in the morning, only to peel them off again at night.
Everywhere, always, a sneeze is happening. Someone is sipping Earl Grey tea, trying to lick their elbow, drying a dish, and absentmindedly touching their face.
We do these things without thinking; they’re the filler between important moments.
They’re absurd and oddly beautiful.
Sneezing? A full-body convulsion, a temporary loss of control, an orgasm of sorts, followed by a socially mandated “bless you.” Why? Because once upon a time, people thought your soul might escape through your nose if nobody intervened.
Those pesky socks again... We spend half our lives in them, pulling them up, pulling them off, somehow losing just one… Those tiny fabric foot prisons.
Or the time-consuming ridiculousness of folding clothes… As if you’re not destined to crumple the hell right back outta them within days.
And for all their absurdity, these small acts are a great, unseen thread connecting us.
Somewhere, right now, a barista is wiping down a counter for the thousandth time, their movements smooth and unconscious. A child is shaking a juice box too enthusiastically. Someone is scratching their head, lost in thought.
And you—what are you doing? Pushing up your glasses? Stretching your jaw? Blinking at the screen, inhaling, exhaling, existing? Mining your nose for gold?
All these tiny repetitions, these ridiculous necessities, they’re proof that you’re alive.
So the next time you’re sighing at a sink full of dishes or cursing at an inside-out t-shirt, pause for a second… …Welcome to life, profound and ridiculous.
With love from the forest,
~ Alexander