Unboxing The Psychedelic Awakening

~ what have we here? ~

Some stories refuse to stay buried.

They linger in the nooks of our mind, surfacing at odd moments—over coffee, in the silence between songs, in the flicker of a memory stirred by a familiar scent. 

An essay series exploring psychedelic drugs as tools for nurturing creativity, supporting personal growth, and facilitating emotional healing. An idea from another time… The Psychedelic Awakening is one of those stories.

I never meant to shutter this project. ‘Rona put the kibosh on my original plans, then I found myself sidetracked building a copywriting agency and a fancy coffee brand. 

The pull I feel towards The Psychedelic Awakening isn’t nostalgia, nor obligation, but purpose—the kind of energy that drives you regardless of reward. A shame, for a project that feels like a story paused before the final chapter. Or a journey halted before the final bend in the road. Something unfinished, something waiting.

And yet, I hesitate.

The interest is still there, but the words have gone stale. The ideas sound, yet the presentation lacks. My lens has shifted. 2020’s Alexander and 2025’s aren’t the same travelers. What was once fresh revelation now carries the weight of lived experience. 

All the more material to play with.

Maybe that’s the point.

A revival would be about stepping forward with new eyes. 

Or maybe I just need to walk in the moonlight.

With love from the forest,

~ Alexander


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